Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer is here; Part 2.

A labor of love...Pa, Dad, and Mr. Ray dismantling their Rainbow play structure that they had outgrown and generously offered to our family. Our girls have BEGGED for a swing set and the answer from Dad has always been, "no." But you know, free is pretty hard to say no to. Our wonderful neighbors have single handedly kept Katie in clothes with some to pass on to other friends--we are continually blessed by their generosity and I am always amazed at the things they find to give our family! We did not tell the girls about the play while they were at VBS last night the guys took it apart and mostly got it set up in our yard--we kept the blinds closed so the girls didn't see--and they finished it this morning before they woke up. I wish I had taken a picture of them when we called them to the window this morning with their eyes closed...had them count to three...and then pulled up the blinds right as they opened their eyes! It was magical, I actually captured it on video :)
Our yard prior to construction...this spot practically begged for a play structure!
The troops broke it in ALL day long, even while some minor changes and additions had to be made. I feel confident in saying that this will provide serious enjoyment all summer long; and for many years to come...
Thanks again, Ray, Michelle, Kendra & Regan. Thanks also to Dad and Pa for all of the hard work!

1 comment:

notes of em said...

ok. and now SP is going to be jealous.
Im so impressed that you can dismantle and put back together a swing set.
That seems like some big time stuff!