We are plugging along during this extended time of Dad being gone. However, the lack of good, solid, continuous sleep is catching up with me. Last night as I lay in bed watching the digital numbers of my clock roll on, I decided to go ahead and check on the little blessings down the hall one last time. They are so dear to me and this is a nightly ritual I will never tire of, even on the weariest of nights! Since blogs live to infinity and beyond, thanks to the wonderful world of the internet, and someday I don't want one of my kids saying, "Mom, I can't believe you said that about me!", I will refrain from actually telling you the name of the child in this anecdote. However, it was definitely one of the cuties pictured below.
Anyway, as I was tucking one of them in, smoothing the covers, touching their soft skin, kissing them, said child farted, loud and long. Yes, its true. I am fairly certain we all do this on occasion, (fart in our sleep,) but I had to run out of the room in order not to wake them up with my gut wrenching laughter! I ran back to my room and smiled as I pondered the wonder of our earthly beings (and bodily functions...) "I will give thanks to you, Oh God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made," (Psalm 139:14). Yes, we are interesting creatures, to say the least. The good, the bad, the ugly, and yes, the smelly. So today I decided to look up some scriptures on God's creation. A rather common, well-known verse caught my attention. This particular version (Amplified) adds a word that made me laugh out loud when thinking back to what had happened last night. Listen to 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any person is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. The new and
fresh has come!" Ha Ha...enough random thoughts for one night.