Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Disciplining a 4-year-old...

Well, we (Lance & I,) have laughed and laughed over this. The issue itself is not funny (lying,) but I had to put it in writing so that someday when (hopefully!) the disciplining part of it is done, she can laugh about it too. (And no more parenthesis for this posting!)

Sydney is having some problems with not telling the truth. Fortunately, to date, it has not been anything too serious--occasionally she won't take responsibility for hitting her brother or sister--but more oft than not its about not hand washing, not making her bed, not cleaning up, etc.

I feel like we have tried your basic strategies beginning with time outs, building up to spankings, and just about everything in between. Darn it if she isn't cute! Anyway, I have read and heard several friends trying tabasco sauce--I think its kind of our generation's "twist" on getting your mouth washed out with soap. Hey, at least tabasco is a food product, right?

So last week I bought our household an extra large bottle of extra hot tabasco sauce. I put it in the cupboard and was cautiously optimistic that since it had finally been purchased, perhaps I wouldn't even need to use it at all.

It took less than 48 hours for the sauce to be pulled out.

I gave her a somewhat-age-appropriate explanation about the consequence. Something about putting something yucky in her mouth since something yucky came out. That God wants us to have a happy heart and when you have a happy heart, you tell the truth even though it is sometimes hard and may get you into trouble. Furthermore, I explained that I was going to put it in her mouth to remind her that she should use her mouth for good things and not bad.

So, as you can imagine, her large eyes watched me draw the liquid out of the bottle with a syringe/medicine dropper type of thing. Less than 1/2 a teaspoon people, don't call social services on me and let me remind you that this is FOOD--no worse than making a child try broccoli. She braced herself but she did open her mouth. And...she was very quiet and thoughtful...smacked her lips a few times...and declared something along the lines of, "That is pretty good sauce mom, I kind of like it."

Lance bolted out of the room so that she wouldn't hear him laughing. I had the foresight to send her to her room before I ran to the bathroom and laughed hysterically.


Bekah said...

Jess, I am laughing HYSTERICALLY at this story...it made me think of that day I was over there a couple of months ago and you asked Syd who else is sad (besides you and me) when she lies and she so sweetly answered "umm, your brother?!" Man I miss you guys and all of your wonderfulness. I'm sending so much love from dreary Karlsruhe! Bek

stephanie said...

This is hysterical!

Kristy said...

Hilarious story, thanks for sharing

The Norris Clan said...

Priceless, Jess! I applaud you! I have not tried the Tabasco yet, but boy that is a good one. I imagine I might get a similar response...

notes of em said...

that is hysterical!
i am going to have to use that one myself. However I am thinking we might elicit the same response. being in the south and all. we love some hot sauce!
brilliant idea!

Mandie said...

OH BOY! We had the same problem when I used a soap from Bath and Body Works. It was a Strawberries and Cream soap. Both kids loved it. I had to take it out of the bathroom and replace it with a more disgusting soap.

Jen Schrock said...

So funny! I had to give Carly vinegar again this afternoon since hot sauce was no longer a punishment (she too was growing to like it), and she asked for MORE!!! Vinegar, are you kidding???