Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We interrupt the history lessons to bring you...

...A typical Sydney temper tantrum. All I did was ask her to pick up the blocks. Instead of complying, she climbed inside the block tub and screamed her little heart out in protest. A sure-fire way to get her to stop crying? Simply pull out the camera...she is 100% drama queen. Is it not the most pitiful face you've ever seen?
Now onto happier thoughts...Will's favorite new pasttime is carrying around our 30-year-old Fisher Price Medical Kit.Do you recall the days before the fancy label makers...when they had the little hand-crimping label machine, where you would dial to the desired letter then squeeze? Lance's name is hand-crimped on a label that has a permanent home on this FP medical kit--that's how I can figure out it's approximate age!


stephanie said...

OH, I love to hear about other people's kids throwing temper tantrums!! Of course, I know they do, but it's hard to remember when your kid's in the midst of one and everytime you visit your friends' houses their kids seem so in control . . .

Nicole said...

My mom still has two Fisher-Price doctor kits identical to Lance's! My kids LOVE playing with them when they go to visit--way more than the new ones!