Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is risen!

Easter morning...
Our church has a tradition of having the kids place flowers at the foot of the cross.
(I so wish I had taken a photo at the end of the service, it was covered with flowers and quite beautiful!)


Nicole said...

love your easter pics! AND i've been meaning to tell you that i LOVE katie's new 'do! she always looks adorable, but this cut is especially great!

maybe i should go to her stylist!

notes of em said...

I am just beyond impressed that you all can get to church on time enough to place the flowers on the cross before the service, with THREE kids! I cant make it anywhere without being 20 minutes late with only two kids. Our church had a flower cross as well, but of course when you walk in late, you miss things like that. I hope I wont hinder my children by this, I know it will get better soon.
Love to see your family, they are so beautiful!
love you
p.s. Will is looking like a little Katie to me.