Monday, February 4, 2008

Space Bag, anyone?

My three year old has a fetish with the vacuum cleaner. Now after seeing the "Space Bag" commercial a few times, she is obsessed with getting one. (We like to watch PBS Sprout and they advertise the Space Bag on that channel quite often.) Just now we saw the commercial and she declared that she wants some for her birthday (8 months away,) and that she would like to try to suck all of the air bubbles out of the Space Bags all by herself with our vacuum. Strange.


The Norris Clan said...

Taylor is obsessed with the vacuum too! We got Target's toy Dirt Devil vacuum for him for Christmas. He LOVES it!

Sue Jonas said...

Nicole Nordeman says that Space Bags were the inspiration for her song "Legacy". She said it made her think of what would be left of our lives when we suck out all the "air" will we be remembered? I love that!