Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bon Voyage, Mon Cher

Well, Lance left for London (again,) this afternoon. This will be a "short" trip as he calls it, only gone 5 days, two of which are over the pond. So I'm kicking into single-mom mode for the next few days, I've stocked up on chicken nuggets and our favorite, California Pizza Kitchen BBQ chicken pizza--FROZEN. I will make my batch of brownies tonight that will last the duration of his trip, my little indulgence for after the kidlets are in bed. :-) Now for a little randomness, any of you who know me at all, know that I adore the precious relationship my girls have with one another. They are so different and funny and simply delightful. Together it is the best of times...and on occasion the "worst" of times (albeit temporary!) I love them to pieces. Additionally, I love having a boy...we would have been thrilled to have another sister for our brood, but Will certainly adds a little quirkiness to the bunch. Here's to a great mommy sandwich! (And another one of my little man...couldn't resist!)

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