Monday, February 9, 2009

Frogs and snails & puppy dog tails (part II)

The girls got spoiled yesterday by spending an entire day with their grandparents--complete with a trip to see Disney on Ice. When they left, the little man went nuts! He adores his sisters. Generally speaking, he plays independently quite well. I just think he knew that he was being left out. I'd like to say that I went out of my way to spoil him rotten while they were gone. But I didn't. We did go to church, which he loves. Then we came home and he took a 2 hour nap while I ate some dessert and watched Gilmore Girls. It was a much needed day of quiet for mom! I did take a self-portrait of us before nap time. He is so cute at this age. Minus the occasional tantrum.


notes of em said...

seriously.... do you age at all?
Please do a post on your skin care regimen, so that the rest of us can benefit as well.
He is such a cutie. Im with you on only having one child at a time, its nice just to be with them. I see them apart from everyone else.
So glad you got your dessert and GG fix.

Jessica said...

what skin care regimen? you crack me up. i have just started trying a new line from neutrogena, but honestly i think they all work about the same. the bright flash from that picture obscures the acne and scars that i seriously do have. not kidding! :) xo