Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Birthday!

September, October, and November are busy birthday months for us as well. All three kids have their birthdays during this time, which is actually kind of nice because when one of them gets a little jealous of the attention, we can say, "you just had a birthday," or "your birthday is in a few weeks!" We have tried really hard to focus on the joy of giving and celebrating each child and encouraging them, especially the girls, to do the same, rather than feeling sorry that its not their birthday. This is a tough lesson for selfish, sinful little creatures. Another thing I seem to pray daily for is that God would show us how to teach them in love, how to love one another--with joy! Nevertheless, we had a lot of fun celebrating. We have a few traditions, one is going to dinner on your birthday to Red Robin, two seeing as the circus has been in town every year around Syd's birthday, we make an effort to go (sans all of the expensive treats and toys!), and three being not a lot of gifts! Not sure if anyone feels overwhelmed by the attention given to giving gifts to children, but it almost makes me sick to my stomach. So we gave each girl 2 gifts (one from us and one from their siblings), and in fact, Will didn't get any gifts from us (but plenty from the rest of the family!) Katie is our content child who rarely asks for anything. She did ask for the talking "Sharpay" doll, which we did get her--against our better judgement. Two full months later the batteries have yet to die. Not to be outdone, Sydney got the talking Gabriella doll, because of course she wanted what Katie had. Oh well. I love the pictures of Will eating his cake--he dug his hands into it before we could even set it down all of the way, and he went NUTS when I took it away. Now that we are done with birthdays for awhile, we can turn our attention to preparing our hearts for the greatest birth in history. Yeah for Jesus!

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